Friday, July 25, 2014

Come on out!

Hi, Guys! I am so excited to invite you all to my Barrel Race. My family is putting it all together with the help of our Church. On August 30th, we are having the very first Rett Syndrome Barrel Race Fundraiser! My family is in constant contact with, who think it's a great idea and they are sending me a ton of stuff to sell while we are there.

So, please come out and join us for the fun! If you are a vendor and would like to set up a booth, there is a $35 booth fee which saves you a 10x10 spot. If you would like to donate items to sell or for our raffle, let us know! All help is welcome and appreciated! 

We're trying to raise $1,000 for the Barrel Racing Pot, which is going to get the riders there. So, if you would like to donate towards that it would be greatly appreciated! Let us know! Thank you all in advanced!

What: Forever Emma Lou's Ride for a Cure
When: August 30th, 2014 
Gates open at 2:00
Exhibition at 3:00
Show at 6:00
Where: Cross Country Cowboy Church/4c Arena
2303 Dellview Rd
Cherryville, NC 28021

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Taking the time

Hi, again! I thought I would take a moment to give someone some much needed recognition. 

My Mommy. 

My Mommy is the most brave person I know. Sure, no body is perfect. But to me and my Bubba, she truly is. It's not easy to be the Mother of a Rett Girl. And it's even harder to have a younger child that does not understand. My Mommy has a lot of bad things said about her because of myself and my brother, and still she is true and loving.

When all of this started, this Awareness Campaign, my Mommy's state of mind was different than it is now. Her life was full of stress and misunderstanding. Now, she is happy and has, like all of you, a new understanding. A new appreciation, if you will, of her life altogether. My family sees it in her, this change. Now, please do not misread this in saying that she has a new appreciation. My Mommy has always tried to do her best. And has always loved us the same as she does now. However, the twinkle in her eye when she looked at me before has turned to a flare. She is a woman with a purpose more important than her original role. A purpose that is being filled by Awareness, Hope and above all, GOD.

It's an amazing privilege to witness a change in someone. Especially, a change brought on by God. I know in my heart that this is only the beginning. There is greatness coming our way. A difference to be made. 

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

August 30th, 2014

What do you think of the flyers for my Benefit? My Aunt made them! She worked so hard on them. She even had to learn how to use Photoshop, just for me!

 I'm really looking forward to riding the horses and raising Awareness. It's like a big party just for me! My family is still looking for Sponsors, so if you sell a craft or would like to be apart of our Rett Syndrome benefit, let my family know! All vendors are welcome! 

You can contact my family here on the Blog or on our Facebook.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Cross Country Cowboy Church

Hello, everyone. We are super siked to announce that we have partnered up with a church in our area in hopes to not only improve our relationship with our Lord and Savior, but spread awareness. They are currently helping us to plan a barrel race for August, where all proceeds go to How awesome is that? They have completely accepted Emma with nothing but love and understanding. How amazing are these people? It gets better. The Pastor, Daryl,  is going to contact other churches in our area to get them involved. We are truly at a loss for words when it comes to these people. Can they get any better? The answer is, yes. Friday night our family attended a Barrel Race at their arena, it was so much fun. Well, the second place winner donated all of their winnings of $72 to on Emma Lou's behalf! And then, another racer donated $50!  Forever Emma Lou is already making a difference and let me tell you.. we couldn't be more proud of our accomplishments! When we get the permission from the racers that donated we will post them to our up and coming recognition page!

Not so good days

Hi, Guys! Sorry I was away for so long! My Aunt Tiffany, "Tattoo" is what I call her, had her baby boy last Wednesday. You see, she is the one that actually runs my blog (shh.. it's our little secret!). 

Any who, I wanted to let you guys see a little video of me when I get upset. Just so that you all have a slightly better understanding of my condition. 

In this video I finished having a staring seizure, a staring seizure is not like a typical seizure. When I have one I stare very hard into "space" for several seconds, as though I am concentrating extremely hard on an object. As the seizure ends I become pretty upset, lashing out at anyone or anything in my way. It's part of being a Rett Syndrome Girl. My family has to see this on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day. It can be very heart breaking for my loved ones. 

I hope this video educates you, giving you a new understanding of mine and other little girls situations. 

What are some things you and your family have to adjust to? Or even cope with? 
Let us know! We would love to hear your stories, so that WE too have a new understanding!