Sunday, June 15, 2014

Buns (hotdog buns, that is) and the Sun

Happy Father's Day, World! Did everyone have an awesome weekend or what? I did, and I cannot wait to tell you all about it!
Can you guess what I did? I went SWIMMING for my favorite cousin's High School Graduation party! It was so much fun. We got to swim in my Aunt Shannon's huge in the ground swimming pool, eat yummy food and have chocolate cake! 
Do you see the hand print where it is supposed to say "You Did it, Meow"? Guess who did that? You got it! It was most definitely, Your's Truly! Was I sorry? No. No, I wasn't. It was hilarious. I have no regrets. 
Here I am interacting with my Aunt, who is obviously the most entertaining person on the planet.

Here I am with my Great Aunt Shannon a.k.a Aunt Nana. She had recently asked me to have a seat for a few minutes before this picture was taken and I got mad at her. Well, when I was aloud to get up she asked for a kiss. Remember how I mentioned something about being mad? Yeah, no kisses for her. This is what she got instead. As you can see by the image above, she loved it just as much. The beautiful lady sitting behind us is my Great Grandma.

This is my Aunt Tif. She is obviously holding me hostage. No, seriously, look at me. I look miserable. She's always trying to hug me and kiss me and love me. Ugh! Don't you just hate Aunts? Yeah, me neither.

In this image, I am doing one of my most favorite activities... SWIMMING! I could swim all day long. I almost did. I spent hours in the pool and it was awesome. Within minutes of exiting the pool and going inside (about 2 hours after this photograph was taken) I fell asleep. I sure was pooped.

The party was a blast. There was great food for me to steal, water for me to paddle in and other children for me to play with. I also got to meet a few new people, which is always exciting for me. So, all-in-all, it was a great weekend. I truly had a great time.

What did YOU do this weekend?

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